Trip to Japan(日本訪問)









Trip to Japan

Peter Muruko


Head of delegation Zimbabwe team Tour to Japan 04

The trip to Japan was an eye opener to most of the guys we took with us to Japan. To some this was a dream come true trip and will be remembered in their lifetime. We did learn a lot of baseball and the culture of the Japanese people.


The different trainings that we do here and how the serious the Japanese people take it. The culture of sport is still far from us as we take it casually. We still need the youngsters that sport is life, and if you want to achieve you have to take it serious. That sport can be started and one can be groomed from an early age and build his career of sport. We heard a good take of interaction between the two cultures.


The way things were organized lives a lot to be desired. How everyone wanted to socialize with us made us feel at home. We appreciated and enjoyed every second of the minute we head. Many thanks to all those who gave their time, finance, resource just for us to have an enjoyable stay. To Mr. Ito thanks a million for everything and your dream that you that shared. Once again thank you to all, God bless you all.