











 1) 夢は多くの障害があっても、支援が不足していても実現する。ランバス先生と伊藤さんはそれぞれの夢に向かっての進路を維持し続けた点で賞賛されるべきです。お二人とも私たち全員を勇気づけ、お二人と同じ決意と熱意で夢を追い続けることができるようにしてくれました。


 2) 夢を実現する人は、能力のある人々を集め、その夢の実現に参加させる特別な能力を持っている。私は、伊藤さんの人々を巻き込んでいく特別な能力に大変驚いています。また、多くの時間と多くの私財をハラレの野球場のためにつぎ込まれた村井さんほど、大きな役割を果たした方もいません。村井さんはまたジンバブエの野球ナショナルチームのためにも献身的に働いてこられました。伊藤さんの夢を実現するためになされた村井さんの努力を私は賞賛します。また、記念行事の一環として、ジンバブエ野球親善旅行を主催して下さった関西学院の畑院長や平松学長と青山学院深町院長のご尽力に感謝します。伊藤さんの夢をさらに高める何とすばらしいアイデアだったのでしょう。大学の運営で、大学のキャンパスや教育課程のみに焦点を当てることは容易だったにもかかわらず「この親善試合を通して、私たちはアフリカの人々とより近い関係を持つことが出来た」と、深町先生は歓迎の言葉の中で述べられました。私は、日本で最も優れた二つの大学の長が、この様な態度を示されたことを嬉しく思います。私は、ジンバブエのナショナルチームのために、両大学が今回の旅行を主催し、滞在期間中には素晴らしいもてなしをしてくださったことを心から感謝申し上げます。


 3) 夢の力は、しばしば遠く離れた場所に住む人々の心を動かします。私がジンバブエの野球発展のために働いている目的は、社会的に不利な状況に置かれている若者たちに手を差し伸べることです。ジンバブエチームの外野手の一人であるアラン・マジマの驚くべき話を聞いてください。アランはジンバブエでも最も貧しい地域の一つエプワースに住んでいます。私たちの野球啓発事業を通して、1999年にエプワースにも野球が紹介されました。アランは野球教室に参加し、後に国立野球場(ハラレドリームパークのこと)で試合をするリーグのチームに加わり、最終的には、ナショナルチームのメンバーに選ばれました。彼が抱いた最も大胆な夢の中でさえ、彼が先行きの見えないエプワースの町を出て、日本を訪れることが出来るなど、考えたことはなかったでしょう。私は、そのような夢を実現してくださった両校とジンバブエ野球会の皆さんに感謝したいと思います。我々チーム全員が、今回の旅行から大きな成果を得ました。彼らのプレーは試合のたびに向上しました。野球の多くの新しい局面を学び、それらを今後ジンバブエの野球の発展に組み入れることが出来ると思います。また今回生まれた多くの新しい友情は、選手たちの人生を生涯にわたって豊かなものにするでしょう。


 4) 夢の力は、様々なユニークな人々の心を動かします。私は障害者野球チーム、神戸コスモスの選手たちの戦績を知って大変驚きました。彼らは本当にすごい人たちで、私たち全てが大変感激しました。そうです、伊藤さんの夢には、障害を持つ人々の野球も含まれているのです。神戸コスモスの選手の何人かはジンバブエを訪れています。ご存じの通り、ジンバブエチームの代表者、ピーター・ムルコさんは障害をもっています。しかし彼は、ジンバブエでスポーツ運営にあたっている最も能力のある人物の一人なのです。私は、村井さんが、ムルコさんをジンバブエチームの代表として日本に招待して下さったことを感謝しています。私はまた、ジンバブエ野球会の皆さんが、障害を持つ人々をも応援されていることを素晴らしいと思います。






I am indeed delighted to write a brief essay for the current issue of "The Wind of Zimbabwe" newsletter. Having lived in Africa for over twenty years, I have had the opportunity to be involved in many exiting projects. Right at the very top is my experience with the Japanese baseball development program. I was invited to serve as the Development Officer for the Zimbabwe Baseball and Softball Association in 1996 following my tenure with the Organizing Committee for the 1995 All Africa Games held in Zimbabwe. I immediately became acquainted with Mr. Yosuke Murai and the wonderful work of the JOCV baseball and softball volunteers to Zimbabwe. Mr. Murai served as the first JOCV in the early 90's and later returned as a businessman but remained a strong advocate of the Zimbabwe baseball and softball program. One of his greatest accomplishments was securing the financial assistance from his "baseball friends in Japan" to build our national baseball park in Harare, Zimbabwe. Over the last couple of years I have come to understand and actually interact with Mr. Murai's "Japanese baseball friends". What a pleasant surprise and blessing that has been! I love this amazing story of a Japanese man who possessed nothing but a dream and yet succeeded in accomplishing an amazing feat in Africa.


I first met the founder of the Zimbabwe Yakyu-kai, Mr. Masuro Ito, when we jointly coached the Zimbabwe national baseball team during the 2003 All Africa Games in Nigeria. I was immediately impressed with his deep humility yet tremendous knowledge of the game of baseball. It was during our time in Nigeria that Mr. Ito first shared with me about the possibility of touring Japan at the invitation of Kwansei Gakuin and Aoyama Gakuin Universities. This past November the Japan Tour became a reality. During our stay in Japan, I was to learn that this was only one of several dreams by Mr. Ito. During the passionate speech given at the Kwansei Gakuin reception for the Zimbabwe team, Mr. Shibakawa shared about Mr. Ito's original dream. He stated, "Mr. Ito wanted to establish a baseball team in a country where it had been developed. At first he did not have an idea of which country. However, after meeting Mr. Murai, he found that Zimbabwe was establishing a team. This resulted in building a baseball field in Zimbabwe. Specific plans for the baseball field were made although he possessed nothing - money, organizational support or other resources." 


During his speech, Mr. Shibakawa went on to explain the uniqueness of Dr. Lumbuth, founder of Kwansei Gakuin and Aoyama Gakuin Universities and Mr. Masuro Ito. "Dr. Lamruth started from zero but he also had a strong dream to start a Christian mission. Mr. Ito had the same dream. Both had a strong dream and will to actualize their dream and get support to fulfill their dreams. One built a school, the other a baseball field in Zimbabwe. What a wonderful thing!" I could not agree more heartily. It is a magnificent thing when a person has a dream and walks as the Bible says by faith and not by sight and eventually sees that dream come true.


Mr. Shibakawa noted that by building the baseball field in Zimbabwe, a bridge was established between Japan and Zimbabwe baseball. I would like to add that it has also created a wonderful bridge between Japan, Zimbabwe and United States baseball. I had the privilege of standing on that beautiful bridge for a few days during the Zimbabwe Goodwill Baseball Tour this past November. I would like to share a few observations and close with some challenging remarks for you the readers of "Winds of Zimabwe".


1) A dream can become a reality despite many obstacles and lack of resources. Dr. Lamruth and Mr. Ito are both to be commended for holding the course on their respective dreams. They both inspire all of us to pursue our dreams with the same drive and passion they possessed.


2) Those who accomplish their dreams have an unusual ability to inspire capable individuals to join them in fulfilling their dream. I am so impressed with Mr. Ito's unique ability to involve others. No one stands out more than Mr. Yosuke Murai, who has contributed countless hours and much of his own personal resources to baseball park in Harare. He has also given sacrificially to the development of the Zimbabwe national baseball team. I highly commend him for these efforts which have greatly supported Mr. Ito's dream. I would also like to give a special commendation to Dr. Hiramatsu, President of Kwansei Gakuin University and Rev. Dr. Fakamachi, President of Aoyama Gakuin University. As part of the founding anniversary events, they chose to sponsor the Zimbabwe baseball goodwill tour. What a brilliant idea that further enhances Mr. Ito's dream. It is easy for university administration to focus only upon their campus and programs. However, Rev. Dr. Fakamachi expressed it so well in his welcome address, "We hope that through this goodwill game, we can build a closer relationship with the people of Africa." I am so happy to see this attitude by the presidents of two of the most respected universities in Japan. I thank them on behalf of the Zimbabwe baseball team for their generous sponsorship and wonderful hospitality during our stay.


3) The impact of a dream often touches people in far away places. Listen to the amazing story one of our Zimbabwe outfielders, Allan MADZIMA. My objective for the development of Zimbabwe baseball was to reach out to disadvantaged youth. Allan lives in Epworth, one of the poorest communities in Zimbabwe. Through our development program, baseball was introduced in Epworth in 1999. Allan took part in coaching clinics and later joined a league team that played at the national baseball field. Eventually he was selected for the national team. In his wildest dreams I am sure Allan never thought he would be able to leave his improvised community to visit Japan! I would like to thank all the Zimbabwe Yakyu-kai supporters for making such dreams come true. Our entire national team benefited greatly from this tour. Their performance improved with each game. They learned so many new facets of the game that they will be able to incorporate into our development program in Zimbabwe. The many new friendships created during the tour will enrich their lives for a lifetime.


4) The impact of a dream often touches unique people. I watched in utter amazement at the athletics feats of the disabled baseball players on the Koke Cosmos team. They are simply superb and how they inspire all of us. Yes, Mr. Ito's dream has seen the inclusion of people with disabilities. Several of the Cosmos players have already visited Zimbabwe. I sure that you noticed that the Zimbabwe delegation leader, Mr. Peter Muruko has a disability. Yet he is one of the most capable sports administrations around. I would like to especially thank Mr. Murai for inviting Mr. Muruko to head the Zimbabwe delegation. I also commend the Zimbabwe Yakyu-kai for your support of people with disabilities.


In closing I would once again like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Ito, Mr. Murai, Kwansei Gakuin University, Aoyama Gakuin University, Mr. Shibakawa, Mr. and Mrs. Masaoka and all the Zimbabwe Yakyu-kai supporters for arranging such a magnificent tour. The hospitality and food was superb. Most of us even managed to use chop sticks! Thank you for the generous donations of baseball equipment. May I encourage you to continue to support Mr. Ito and Mr. Murai expand the great work that has been started in Zimbabwe. Many youth and children would love to play this great game of baseball. I hope many of you can visit Zimbabwe and especially look forward to the visits of the baseball teams from Kwansei Gakuin and Aoyama Gakuin. Your donations of baseball equipment, used computers and other items will also greatly benefit the development program.


I wish for all of you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. I would love to hear from you. May God bless you.


With kind regards,


Dr. Fred Sorrells